Monday, July 9, 2007

Bread Machine Death

"I'll use it all the time! I love fresh bread! It will make every meal of mine elegant and wow my friends! I'll do it!" And so you ring it up.

This is what you rationalized to yourself when you bought that bread machine. Or home rotisserie. Or George Foreman grill. Or whatever amazing little device you thought would change your life and bought on impulse on TV or at Costco.

I mean, when I bought my bread machine, it was used almost daily. Cinnamon rolls! Cottage cheese and dill bread! Sourdough bread. Fresh pizza dough. I was putting the local bakery to shame.

And then, one day after a long day of class and work, I got home. One shunted look at "the machine" (it was starting to take up a lot of room out in the kitchen anyways) and I decided to use it tomorrow.

Twenty-nine tomorrows later, I finally put the machine away. Never to be seen again.

It would make a guest appearance once in a while. Maybe even experience a small Renaissance of sorts, but in the end it would always find it's way back to the bottom of my closet. Probably hiding under a shirt I don't wear anymore, but don't want to donate to the Salvation Army just yet.

It's the inevitable problem I am facing with the ice cream maker. It's being used tons, but actually I think I can keep it from facing Bread Machine Death. Mainly I see it as economic, it helps me keep my AC off as an alternative way to stay cool. Even in my laziest moods I can just dump some orange juice in there and poof, tasty frozen treat. Come winter, it will be shelved, I know that.

So here is hoping it makes a comeback next spring after the hotter days have left us. I think I can do it. I will do it, damn it. I will try to see it as economic, a way to keep cool and happy. Something to come home to after work.

And here's also hoping I can bring out the bread machine for one more zombie walk out of the Bread Machine Death closet come fall.


  1. Homemade ice cream is too good and too easy to let it waste away on the floor of your closet. And this is the right time of year to use it.

    If you're lacking counter space, clear out one are and let the ice cream maker sit there during the summer months. When things cool down, exchange places with the bread maker. Simple!

  2. My little george forman has suffered the same fate...poor little thing it must think that I do not care. Wait why am I anthromorphosizing a cooking tool? Oh well...poor thing.

  3. save the ice cream maker! I haven't used mine in months, but I realized it was because everytime I wanted to use it I couldn't because it wasn't cold. (I have one of those freezer bowl types) So I made room in the freezer and plan on using it this week!

  4. That's how it is sometimes with the crockpot for's touch and go. An ice cream maker is next though- I swear!!!

  5. we should just join forces with other bloggers and buy one of each appliance and pass it around.


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