Friday, February 1, 2008

Mouth Candy as Eye Candy

Get your ass to L & 18th Street in midtown Sacramento. Go into Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates. Buy whatever pretty thing catches your eye first, as it will taste as good as it looks if not better. Look for a review in the Edible Sacramento - Spring '08 issue come April.


  1. Wow, the 2nd picture alone makes me wanna book a flight to SF to get some.

  2. HOLY GEEZ it's OPEN!!!! What IS that you're holding? Caramel? Fudge? My mouth is watering already.

    I may have to stop by there on my way out of town.

  3. OH-MY-GOODNESS! That looks so delicious I am nearly drooling on my keypad! Unfortunately, I live in London :-(

  4. ooooh, that's purdy. Looks awful tasty!

  5. I am in the mood for chocolate, but I can't get to Sacramento. I am so jealous!

  6. That is worth the 2 hour drive! Amazing!

  7. Dad liked the sample that you brought over so much he made the trek into town just to buy some more. Whatever those chocolate covered mousse dome things are, they're amazing.


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