Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dining Out For Life

If You Love to Dine Out…How about Dining Out For Life?

On April 24th, 2008 CARES will bring Dining Out For Life to Sacramento. This National Fundraising project has raised millions of dollars nationwide for HIV/AIDS services.

The magic of this project is that your participation is simple: On April 24th, 2008, just dine out as you normally would. Choose one of the participating establishments and a portion of your bill will go to support programs and services at CARES. Participating restaurants will donate the proceeds to CARES. You don’t have to bring in a flyer or even mention our name.

Go out for dinner and enjoy yourself!

Dine Out For Life…you will feel better about all those calories!

See Participating Restaurants


  1. Well, I'm in NJ and I don't see any participating restaurants. However, my family and I ARE participating in the AIDS Walk in NYC in May. I will take the amount I would have probably used at one of your local restaurants, and add that to my donation amount!! Then we'll come home and eat those lovely Russian Roulette cupcakes that we all love here!!

  2. Awesome. In March we had a "Dine Out, Help Out" event on the 19th and 20th in Rochester (Same idea, just a different organization). It's cool to know that similar events are going on all around the country!


Hey, you're leaving a comment! That's pretty darn cool, so thanks. If you have any questions or have found an error on the site or with a recipe, please e-mail me and I will reply as soon as possible.