Friday, August 29, 2008

What's Wrong With This Cookbook?

Points to the first person to point out why this is only $2.99 at Borders.


  1. It should said either "You Are" or "You're", not both!

    "Now YOU ARE cookin' Curries" or "Now YOU'RE cookin' Curries"

  2. It's says "now you're are cookin'" which is like saying "now you are are cookin'." I think they missed the whole point of the apostrophe.

  3. "you're are" are in the contraction and another are are double are's?

  4. you're=you you are are cookin'

  5. Now you're are cookin' = Now you're're cookin' = Now you are are cookin' = BAD COPYEDITOR

  6. Well, spell check was clearly no help to the editors of this book.
    "you're are" what exactly is an are?

  7. Oh well, I guess we all get it wrong sometimes. I'm am making silly mistakes all the time, but then I guess I don't proof read books!

  8. What's sad is how many times I had to read that to see what you were talking about.

  9. They were just excited to let you now that "Now You Are Are Cookin' with Curries"

  10. We're are fluency in Englishes!

  11. cud it be the real bad spellin and grammer in that there title Garrett?

    Thanks for the chuckle. Hopefully the recipes are better proofed.

  12. maybe the error on the cover.... you are are cookin' curries?

  13. Could something be wrong with the title? Someone needs to learn a little grammer...

  14. You're are. (I have worked as a proof reader.)

  15. too many "are's." that is ridiculous. how did that ever get published???

  16. now you're (you are) are

    should be

    now you're

  17. Why "they're are" (read as "they are are") $2.99 you ask. I think when you can go wrong with one line like that on the cover "its is" safe to say very little effort or attention was put in writing up this book. Sad.

  18. a contraction is pointless if you throw the word you're shortening on after it! The title should read: Now You're Cookin' Curries OR Now You Are Cookin' Curries. Don't get me started on the use of cookin', that is a whole new bag of worms for me!

  19. now you are cookin' curries
    now you're cookin' curries.
    but not both. together. idiots.

  20. I'm am the first!

  21. *headdesk* do people not hire proof readers anymore?

    you're= you are
    you are are???

  22. oh my. that might be the most heinous grammar mistake i've ever seen on a book cover. how did that get past a publisher? ick. "you are are cookin'" boy howdy, sure excited to cook curry.

  23. "You're are"... LOL... with equates to "you are are". That is hilarious. I guess you really REALLY are cookin' curries if you buy that book!

  24. you're are

    you're is already a contraction with are

  25. Well, the grammar police would have a field day with "you're are".

  26. I got it I got it!

    "you're are"

    I freaking love it.

  27. "you're are" so.. I am am cooking!

  28. Considering the subtitle is "Now you're are cooking" -- You are are coooking -- what does the inside text read?

  29. Basically, the title is "Now you are are cookin' curries"? Wow...klassy. :-P

  30. Now YOU'RE ARE cookin'?
    That's a no no.

    Besides, that's just a stupid name for a curry cookbook, grammar mistake or no.

  31. Yikes. Call the grammar police! At least they used the correct form of "you're" ;)

  32. "now you're are cooking..." really? Now you are are cooking? Who proofread that?

  33. It should say either "you're" or "you are", not "you're are." That must have been embarrassing for that editor!

  34. It should be "you're cookin'".

  35. Oh. Ouch. You're are cookin'? Really? Somewhere a copy editor is pulling his/her hair out...

  36. "you're" and "are" -- should have left off the apostrophe and "re".......

    they might want to give it away!

  37. you're and are...kind of redundant.

  38. Someone should have done a little proof reading before spending the money at the printers. The title is wrong!

  39. Because it says "you're are" as in "you are are"


    I have seen SO many mistakes with contractions lately especially - "your invited" rather than the correct "you're invited"

  40. I love it! You're are...??

    If you are then how can you are are??

  41. LOL! cookin' and grammar, what a great combo

  42. I hate to say this, but after 38 yrs. of teaching middle elementary school and proofing everything, I missed this error. I was focused on the plural of curry. Good thing I retired last yr.! Losing it!

  43. Teh LOLCATS currie cookbook! That is really funny.
    Probably translated and printed in a non-English speaking country. My books are mostly printed in Estonia, China, or such. The author will be crying and cringing. That kind of nightmare....

  44. Garrett, honey, I've been tempted so many times, and the time has come. If you're going to throw grammatical stones, you might want to check your own glass house. Especially for someone in your own academic field, a little outside proofreading might be in order. For example, the "it's - its" conundrum needs brushing up. Educating the masses is a wonderful calling, but bears a great burden of accuracy. Spellcheck, dear, spellcheck.

  45. Momcat - I appreciate, but honestly, it's a blog. I do this for fun. Not for work, so honestly, I don't give a heck. Really, not one. Believe me, I know my grammar rules, just here if I make a slip-up, then so be it. Going back and proof reading every post, especially if I write them at 1 am which is when I usually have time, by then i just want bed. I've gone into this topic before. And as for grammar stone, I didn't publish a book with the cover wrong.

  46.'s POISON!!!


    Okay, I'll stop freaking you out. But seriously, I didn't even notice the bad grammar before I read the comments.

    ...Do I get points??

  47. no one 'cooks' curry. it just sorta comes together.

    and if the recipes use curry powder, that's way way worse than bad grammar. it's diabolical.

  48. Okay, I know there are tons of comments, but I can't help but wonder if they going for "now you're a' cooking" which is still terrible grammar but kinda funny.

    Methinks something got lost in translation.

  49. LOL. Unfortunately, any book that is titled with the words "Now, Cooking," and "You're Are" will be suspect in my looking of things. The price would also make me guess that the author maybe did visit some curry chefs, but was tricked by their many bowls of spices.

    A shame. Did you buy it though? 2.99$ would be good for a laugh.


Hey, you're leaving a comment! That's pretty darn cool, so thanks. If you have any questions or have found an error on the site or with a recipe, please e-mail me and I will reply as soon as possible.