Friday, August 21, 2009

Chez Panisse Fruit Cookbook Winner!

The winner of the Chez Panisse Fruit Cookbook is Brooke who when asked about her favorite fruit said, "I have to pick on favorite? Goodness...peaches in the summer are definitely at the top."

Brooke, I have to admit, I love peaches too. Grilled with a bit of brandy and brown sugar glaze, they're perfect for summer snacks. Alice put a ton of great recipes for peaches in this book like peach leaf parfait and peach shortcake. Shoot me an e-mail with your address and I'll be sure to get the book to you ASAP so you can go peach crazy. =)


1 comment:

Hey, you're leaving a comment! That's pretty darn cool, so thanks. If you have any questions or have found an error on the site or with a recipe, please e-mail me and I will reply as soon as possible.