Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What Will Be Unpeeled?

Another year has come and gone, left behind is a path of destruction, shining hopes, accomplished adventures, sad partings, new beginnings, and everything in between.

We're told to learn from our mistakes, but that doesn't always take. Crimes of passion can be done time and again, regardless if we are aware of their consequences. Yet we plod forth, into the unknown and we brave what dreams may come.

What's the best way to make God laugh? Tell him all your plans.

We all have ideals and resolutions (most ready to be broken) but in the end we have no idea what the future year may bring. New love? Exotic locales? New jobs? New children? New experiences? You never know what will happen in a year let alone the day (who expects to be mauled by a tiger or to win the lottery when they wake up that day?).

So you just have to go forward, peel away each new day and see what comes forth.

Happy New Year! =)


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