-Jamming season has begun.-
When the dreaded fire started back in the old apartment the very first thing to go were all the jams, syrups, pickles, and preserves I had made during the Spring and Summer. The fire, starting at the stove in the apartment next door, quickly ate through the kitchen wall and into my kitchen cabinets; right into the four flats of homemade canned goods. They did not survive.
The cabinet was apparently one of the few things that was sturdily built because even though the walls and pipes were consumed by the ravenous flame the cabinet stayed up leaving behind the evidence of what ate through the wall. The jars had literally exploded from the heat, black shrapnel scattered across the cabinet floor and even embedded itself into the walls. The jams had splattered and boiled down to a dull pitch crisp as if every surface has been caked with muddy obsidian.
Ironically, it wasn't supposed to have happened. Almost all of that jam had been destined to be turned into Christmas gifts but I had forgotten them back in Sacramento on my drive to Southern California, only remembering somewhere in the middle of a Central Valley drive-thru. I told my family I would mail the jams off to them when I got back. The fire was kind of the epic head-slap after a "D'oh!" moment in this regard.
So the past few weeks I have been on a jamming spree. I've churned out many batches of my apricot and Riesling jam at this point, a batch of apricot vanilla bean (those little bean specks give me such joy), and some rhubarb preserves. The windows are constantly fogged up from the steam of the cans' water baths creating a Floridian microclimate in my apartment. Still, through all the sweat and haze it's quite worth it. The jam is superb.
This last weekend I was lucky enough to have come across blackberries, bulbous and juicy, concentrated in flavor, for cheap at the Farmer's Market. Six overflowing baskets for $10 is something that demands to be jammed. I paid up and quickly took them home in a rush excited at this unique opportunity. Normally, I jam whatever fruit my friends' trees and gardens simply have an overabundance of, rarely do I buy a ton of fruit just to jam. However, this particular fruit situation demanded proactivity and I had never had the chance to jam berries.
The base recipe I used was Lindsey Shere's boysenberry jam recipe in Chez Pannise Desserts. However, I decided to play with it just a little. Blackberries seem to have two popular pairing as of late that I seem to be seeing everywhere: Bourbon and violet (the latter via actual violets, Creme de Violette, or violet extract). I decided to go with the Bourbon as the Creme de Violette was too delicate in flavor to stand up to these ballsy berries.
I measured out a shot glass of Bourbon and tossed in a bit of homemade vanilla extract into a pot of barely mashed berries and enough sugar to comatose a six year old. About a half hour later I had jam. Amazing jam. The bourbon added a subtle spice behind the fruit, and the vanilla added a slight creaminess. Just... oh lord, the best blackberry jam ever. So good you giggle to yourself when you taste it.
To you jammers and canners out there with access to black or boysenberries be sure to give this a shot. You won't be disappointed.

-Tasty trio of jam. (I ate all the rhubarb ones already. Oops.)-
Blackberry Jam (With a Hint of Bourbon)
2.5 lbs of blackberries
1 lb of sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon of butter (this helps for clarity and prevents foaming)
3 tablespoons of Bourbon (or one shot glass worth)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1. Wash the blackberries and toss them into a stainless steel or copper pot, or a enamel lined dutch oven (not an aluminum pot). Lightly mash the berries with a wooden spoon. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Let macerate for about 10 minutes. Place a small plate in the freezer as this will be used for testing later.
2. Turn heat to medium-high. The mixture will bubble and froth vigorously. Skim the foam off the top and discard (or save it and put it on cheese or yogurt; super tasty). The boil will subside to larger bubbles, but still bubble vigorously. Be sure to begin gently stirring the jam frequently to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
3. After about 25 minutes begin testing the jam by placing a small amount on the cold plate. Allow 30 seconds to pass and then run your finger through it to see what the cooled consistency will be. Boil for a few minutes longer if desired for a thicker jam.
4. Ladle into hot, sterilized canning jars and seal leaving 1/4 inch of head space. Wipe the rims of the jars clean before applying the lids. Screw on the rings to finger-tight. Work quickly. Process in a water bath to ensure a good seal. If you want you can skip the water bath and just screw the lids on tight where the heating-cooling process will create a vacuum seal, but the water bath is a surefire method for a secure seal.
*To sterilize the jars, rinse out clean Mason jars, dry them, and place them, without lids, upright in a 200°F oven for 10 minutes. To sterilize the lids put them in a shallow bowl and pour boiling water over them.
I love the bourbon in the jam! I have the luxury of some burbon vanilla extract that I could possibly use. Blackberries are in right now, so I can buy a whole case and go to town. I don't even bother to completely can them, they don't even last that long in the restaurant. I love the recipe, and your reisling jam has my interest peaked...
ReplyDeleteoh man that sounds so good! i am also intrigued by the apricot reisling combo, sounds fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds incredible! You should drive on up to Woodland and visit some farm stands on hwy 16 and county road 98-they're FULL of berries. I've bought the best olallieberries, boysenberries and blackberries lately. Please keep the jam and jelly recipes coming :)
ReplyDeleteA dry oven for sterilizing...Garret, your a genius!
ReplyDeleteI know it's only Tuesday but I'm going to can this weekend...yes, yes I am!
I recently made a lovely Cherry & Elderflower jam - cooked cherries have so little flavor, so they need something to add flavor! Nice post :)
ReplyDeleteNice! That flat of blackberries was a serious score. The marionberries we got at a pick-your-own farm recently were almost twice that price... but delicious, at least.
ReplyDeleteIf you're still jonesin' for jamming, I'm hoping to raid a nearby fig tree in a few weeks to make fig jam (and fig tarts, grilled figs, fig bars...). Will keep you posted when they ripen, if you like. Given the enormity of the tree, there should be more than enough. My only concern is how to reach them all.
Dawn: Sounds like a plan!
ReplyDeleteI made this last weekend with some blackberries that grow around my property. Oh wow, this was so good! The hint of bourbon really put another dimension in it. Thank you for posting it.
ReplyDeleteScored an entire flat of blackberries at the farmers market today for $10 and am on my second batch.
ReplyDeleteThis is seriously delicious!!!!
I am so excited to find this recipe. I have so many blackberries, they grow everywhere and can be picked for free. I wish I could share them with everyone who wanted them, most will go to waste. Kerri
ReplyDeleteOK, so we're a a bit behind here in Vermont - our blackberries are just in season. I picked organic juicy berries this morning and made the jam - it's wonderful. Thank you for the recipe, we own a B&B and I'm going to serve it for breakfast wit homemade bread tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteSugarbabe of Warren VT
I just made your blackberry bourbon jam and it's delicious! I don't think you really taste the bourbon, but it must add something to the taste. Also, i didn't have vanilla extract, so i added a vanilla bean. It's absolutely delicious! My only issue is that i had to cook the jam for probably a good hour, if not a little longer, to get it to a thick consistency.
ReplyDeleteI'm sending a jar to my nephew who's at school in NY. I'm sure he'll thank me for this yummy jam.
I have made pints and pints of this recipe and I love it! I have a dozen thornless blackberry plants (you can get them at www.fruitsandberries.com) at my home in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. I had an embarassing amount of fruit, and plain blackberry jam was getting boring to can. This jam is classic, yet distinct at the same time. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a must-try in our house - hubby's fave is Black Velvet bourbon...I think I can steal a shot from the bottle to surprise him with this jam. ;) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to feature this recipe on my berry jam page over at Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com/berry-jam).
ReplyDeleteJust tried this today. It was a huge hit!!! Now I have to make more as this will definitely be in everyone's Christmas basket this year! Thanks!!!!
ReplyDeleteTHE best blackberry jam bar none!
ReplyDeletecan i add pectin to this?
ReplyDeleteWow! I just tried it and it is so good. This was my first ever batch of jam so I need to prefect a couple of things but this batch will go into the fridge and be eaten immediately! PS, I used a double shot of bourbon for my hubby's sake!