-This is the bathroom which, as you can see, was totally engulfed. In here you can see the bathrooms of the other units in the four-plex. Note the lack of walls or ceiling. When I opened the bathroom door the night of the fire this was all aflame.-

-This is looking through the non-wall to the other apartment. As you can see, you and the person in the neighboring unit can now take tandem baths. No more lonely nights for you!-

-The landing upstairs. As you can see there is no ceiling. Just tarp. Very leaky tarp. The ceiling is scrapped in the patio outside. You can't see it here, but the floor is covered in debris and ash. These stairs were already a super steep death trap now they're wet and crowded too.-

-My kitchen. It's totally flooded due to the copper water pipes melting. The cabinets on the far wall look okay but inside everything is melted or exploded. That hole leads to the other apartment where the fire started in their kitchen due to a stove (due to it being faulty or old or just due to someone cooking inappropriately, I have no idea.)-

-Looking through that hole in the previous picture you can see the starting point of the fire. The stove is gone, taken away for investigation I guess. The fire started here, traveled up the vent into the attic, and then spread back down into all the walls.-
So as of now I am currently still residing with Elise. Still meeting with adjusters. Still waiting to hear back from apartments (stupid holiday weekend delay). So on and so on.
Right now I'm doing my best to keep my mind preoccupied. It's actually not that hard because when you encounter something in your life that's all encompassing like a death or natural disaster I think your mind tends to avoid mental and emotional conflict. Contrary to what your therapist might say avoidance and transference are comforting tools.
I've been cooking to keep myself busy. Elise and I made jam the other day, and while it wasn't wholly successful it seemed to bring me back to a place of life before the fire which is welcome. This and copious amount of video games and sleep consume this drawn out weekend in which I can't get anything done due to everything being closed.
Almost everything that is. I did take the cats to the vet. I wanted them checked out for smoke inhalation and they needed their shots. Right now they live in a cold garage which I'm depressed about as I wish I could treat them better. Had the cats not woken me up the night of the fire I might not be writing this. My vet in in Davis, a good half hour away from where I'm staying but it's a veterinarian I trust.

-This bread is the embodiment of all that is right with the world. Also, notice the lack of the bread being burned down due to a faulty oven in the unit next door. Always a plus.-
Afterwards, I quickly swung by the Farmer's Market for a few things for dinner. Comfort foods. The Davis Village Bakery makes a delightful garlic and Parmesan bread that is, quite frankly, one of my favorite foods on earth. Pungent, sweet, and attached to many fond memories it is a food that I happily stuff myself with until sick.

-Purple Haze carrots. While earthy and sweet, I'm a bit bummed that they don't give you a buzz as I could use it. Stupid lying pothead scientists.-
Another plus of this particular market is the appearance of interesting produce. Being so close to UC Davis, a major agricultural and biotech university, all kinds of new produce are being developed. The seeds and given to local farmers and then the shoppers get to purchase and eat them. I picked up a new variety of carrot called Purple Haze (only in Davis, well, maybe Chico or Berkeley) and am told it tastes like a cross between a carrot and a beet.
I wish I could type something a little more engaging or clever. Right now I'm sort of tapped out of reality. I'm in Borders again, using their Wi-Fi to check my email and other such things. I'm just trying to attain some semblance of normalcy.
Ugh...So been there...My rental years ago was flooded by raw sewage. Got the cats out and many things were cleaned but lost most of my belongings.
ReplyDeleteHopefully you will reach a place where it begins to look like a fresh start.
I am very grateful that you and yours are okay.
That's just awful Garrett. Hope recovery speeds up now the New Year is over,
Wow. I'm glad you are ok. It just goes to show how fast things come and go.
ReplyDeleteGarrett: Oh, man. Again, I am so sorry. Such a lot to have to absorb and take care of. I am glad you are OK and your cats are OK.
ReplyDeleteJesus thats a bad fire, glad to hear everyone was okay. I hope the rest of the year is more enjoyable and stressless, I best you cannot wait to get to Mexico.
ReplyDeleteWow, really striking photos of the old apartment. I'm also struck by how helpful cats can be in terrible situations -- thank God yours woke you up. So thankful you both came out alive.
ReplyDeleteOn a food note, those Purple Haze carrots look fantastic! I'd love to try some at some point.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry this has happened! My thoughts are with you.
I'm glad the cats are good and that you're safe and sound.
Wow - I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this. Hopefully 2010 will bring only good things your way from this point on.
ReplyDeleteBeen following your tragedy on Twitter and via your posts, and for what it's worth, it's helped me to be thankful for everything going right and well. While that's no consolation to you whatsoever, perhaps sympathy and condolences from total strangers helps in some infinitesimal way. If good vibes exist, know that they're coming your way from many corners of the country.
ReplyDeleteThinking about you lots Garrett and very thankful that you are ok. Please let us know if we can help in any way. xoxo.
ReplyDeleteGarrett, heard about your fire on twitter and reading your last two posts really amazes me about what happened. I can't believe the firefighters allowed you back in without making sure the fire was totally out?! But I'm sure you've asked yourself that. I'm glad to see that you're finding comfort in things like the farmers market and a really well made bread. To me, food feeds life and you need all the nourishment you can get right now!
ReplyDeleteLet us know if you need anything!? I'm sure we all have some extra things that you might find a use for!
I appreciate your sharing this with us, so happy to hear you are all doing okay. Please know you are being sent so much love, good thoughts, well wishes, and positive energy from more people than you can imagine.
ReplyDeleteOh man, that's so scary! Glad the cats are okay-- my bff is a final year vet student at UCD and they have so many good clinics around there! If, after this, you and the bf need a Scottish vacation my hubby and I will buy you a couple of pints; other than that, all I can say is thank goodness you're safe!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the fire and all that came with it. I'm glad you and your cats are okay.
ReplyDeleteShocking photos. So sorry - what a hassle/inconvenience. Hang in there. At least you've got access to great produce! love those Purple Haze carrots.
ReplyDeleteHoly F Garrett! I am so sorry you have to go through this. Thank god Elise is a wonderful person. I hope your next couple of weeks are as "pleasantly" bearable as they can be.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your fire, though I'm glad there weren't any serious pictures. Seeing your photos reminded me of our house fire a couple of years ago.
ReplyDeleteTo start with I found your site about two months ago and I love it. You are funny and sarcastic and on top of that a good cook. My house burned down a while back and it sucked, but at least your cats and you made it and are okay. You can recover the other stuff and hey, out with the old in with the new.
ReplyDeleteGarrett, I would be happy to make a donation (for the cats, for you, for garlic parmesan bread therapy) to help you through this tough time. Is there anything you need?? I know it's weird but I think a lot of us feel like we know you... and would be happy to help out.
Glad the kitties got checked out. They deserve plenty of treats for alerting you guys!
ReplyDeleteI eat Village Bakery bread frequently, but I haven't tried their garlic Parmesan bread... I must change this.
I hope you get settled into a new place ASAP. Keep us updated.
Please don't apologize for what you are posting. You've been through a traumatic event, one that will take some time to fully come to grips with. Know that your faithful readers are happy to read whatever you need or want to share. Perhaps because we can do nothing else for you, it brings us some sense of being able to comfort you.
ReplyDeleteKami's right. I know you have insurance (Thank God!!) but just plain condolences seem so lame in the face of what you've lost...
ReplyDeleteThe pics from the fire look horrible!! I'm so glad you are safe and sound. It just shows how unpredictable life can be. I read somewhere that "the most amazing thing about humanity is our ability to go to sleep every night believing that we will wake up in the morning..." We never really think things like this will ever happen to us but they do. I'm just glad you're ok.
ReplyDeleteSimply wretched. So sorry to hear about the fire, but thankful you, the BF and the cats are safe. All good thoughts from DK as you put things back together.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry! I am very thankful for your cats alerting you, and for everyone coming out safe. Best of luck with everything. I'm sure your looking forward to a fresh and new start. Enjoy your time away on vacation!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the photos. Heartbreaking. Especially seeing your exploded kitchen.
ReplyDeleteSee you soon, friend.
What a horrible experience. From the sounds of it, you are incredibly lucky to be alive. We have a lovely pet-friendly property if your cats need a temporary residence (in Marin). Best wishes and keep on cooking.
ReplyDeleteMy God, Garrett. I just got back in town and saw your last two posts. How terrible. But I am so glad you, your BF and your cats are okay. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteHoly Crap. I am so glad you guys (and the cats!) are OK.
ReplyDeleteI don't know you, really; I just read your blog.. but I do live in centralish Cali - and if there's any way us readers can help you... I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that you only need ask.
I'm glad you and the cats are safe, but my utmost sympathies for the disruption to your life, and your lost stuff.
ReplyDelete(also, if the Red Cross hasn't contacted you yet, do contact them. They can provide assistance for replacing items, clothing, etc. as well as food vouchers for grocery stores to tide you over, etc.)
What a horrible time you are having, but, you're alive, and I hope a new appartment is coming up soon. So, best wishes for this new year from the Netherlands.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw: those carrots are very ancient, not something new as far as I can see. Purple carrots, the way they grow in nature in Afghanistan, Irak, Iran and those places. Came to Europe with the Moors occupying the Iberic peninsula. And probably Sicily as well.
OMG...I am so sorry to hear of this. I can relate. Our house was totally flooded when a damn broke.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you G. I am happy you were not injured physically.
Just had a chance to catch up....Holy cow! So sorry about the disaster but glad that you, bf and cats are safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteSo horrible. Sending spices seems like such a small thing to do, but I'll be mailing you some today! Hang in there!
ReplyDeletePlease let us know what we can do to help, what you need and what you want to replace. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a bit of extra kitchen stuff to share. So glad that everyone, human and feline, got out. That's all that matters.